A few thoughts on your financial reports

The number of financial reports that you could look can feel limitless. What could be a simple way forward that really gives you good, solid information that you can use?

Financial Performance

Good reporting can give you such an important boost in your organisation’s financial management. But the challenges you may face when it comes to reporting could be:

  • knowing what reports you should be looking at each period
  • how you can understand the information in your reports
  • what are the implications of your report figures for your specific business

We want your business to have meaningful information and insights you can use. A great and intuitive place to start is with you Statement of Financial Performance report (you may also refer to this as a Profit and Loss report or a Statement of Income and Expenses).

For most of us who have had to manage any sort of expenditure or budget (like a household budget) the concept in this report will be quite familiar.

This report has three basic sections:

  • Income – operational funds that have come into your business
  • Expenses – operational payments going out of your business
  • Surplus / Deficit – the difference between income and expenses

This report answers the question: did we have enough income to cover our expenses during this period?

Some key things you may want to watch out for with this report:

  • Ensuring all the income and expense transactions have been correctly allocated
  • Reviewing that income items to be held in reserve are not skewing your understanding of your surplus
  • Checking that the report is complete and covers a meaningful period of time

Financial Position

Your Statement of Financial Position (which you may also refer to as a Balance Sheet) shows you the big picture of your financial situation at a point in time (rather than over a given period).

Again, there are three basic sections in this report, in broad terms:

  • Assets – this is what your business “owns” – including cash assets like money in the bank, physical assets like property, and anticipated assets like money that is legally owed to
  • Liabilities – this is what your buseinss “owes” – things like bills yet to be paid, ATO obligations to be remitted, money collected on behalf of others, funds accrued for unpaid expenses or leave entitlements
  • Equity – this is the difference between your assets and your liabilities

Your Statement of Financial Position (and Financial Performance) can become quite complex over time. You may have experienced this – where over the years more and more categories and accounts are added for various items, and these are not necessarily structured in a way that can be easily followed.

In such cases you may want to consider a simplification process, either in your Chart of Accounts itself, or perhaps in some grouped reporting that draws things together in a more helpful and understandable way for the team.

Cash Viability

One of the most challenging aspects of managing your business or oganisational finances is knowing your true financial position. In other words, understanding how much available funding you have. This is challenging because it’s not simply a matter of looking at your bank account.

In working out your savings and cash flow, you’ll also want to take into consideration keeping some of your funds in reserve for continuity (or emergencies), making assessment more complex.

Then add in unplanned factors that may affect you (like unbudgeted expenses or a drop in your income), and it can be increasingly difficult for you to have a clear picture of where your funding is at.

What’s likely to be helpful in this regard is a regular reporting process that:

  • takes an accurate snapshot of your physical cash balances
  • adjusts these for monies you have on hold for legal obligations
  • further adjusts this for any funds you are reserving for particular purposes
  • projects out your anticipated changes in cash balances based on your budget forecast
  • adjusts this forecast for known influences that may be affecting your budget
  • builds in an allowance that considers your “buffer” comfort levels
  • compares your resulting projected cash balances with your cash flow / savings goals

What does this all do? What this does for you is it provides you a “warning system” where you can regularly see not only how your business is performing against budget, but importantly:

  • how much cash reserves you actually have; and
  • when your cash reserves are likely to go below your comfort level (or run out completely)

Seeing these “red flags” ahead of time can greatly assist your whole finance and operational team, giving you time to understand and respond appropriately.

Would you like to explore further topics related to bookkeeping and payroll in your business or organisation? eBook available now:

Your Handy Overview of Strategic Bookkeeping and Payroll

(including your 80+ point Bookkeeping and Payroll Management Overview Checklist)

This overview aims to provide a useful and helpful big-picture view – to assist you in further developing the financial function in your context. Designed for business owners, organisational leaders and teams.

Request your free eBook here

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Johanna is a dedicated bookkeeper with a passion for helping clients understand their finances – and being part of Exdia makes her excited. Johanna has extensive experience in bookkeeping for distribution and retail businesses. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.
Analee enjoys contributing to clients' business success through accurate financial reporting and timely transaction processing. She likes the strong communication and collaborative environment within the team. Analee’s expertise is in payables, receivables, reconciliations, financial reporting, and budget preparation. Outside work, she enjoys outdoor activities, engaging conversations, and exploring books and movies.
Gladys is delighted to be working at Exdia - she enjoys the caring, supportive and warm working environment across the whole team. She appreciates the constant opportunities to learn and grow, to understand of clients’ needs and how best to go about delivering positive outcomes for them. Gladys enjoys spending time with my family, going for drives of which she learn new things and engaging in activities that help grow her faith.
Daniel specialises in connecting with churches all across Australia to get to know their ministry context and how they are going. He enjoys the interesting variety of large, well-established churches as well as smaller family churches. Daniel appreciates being a part of a team who genuinely cares about what they do as well as for each other, and the way best efforts are always given and help is readily available. Outside of work, Daniel enjoys exercising, reading a book and spending time with his wife and children.
Kartika is a passionate about connecting churches with effective bookkeeping solutions. As part of the Exdia team, she enjoys a supportive and family-like environment. With a background in finance and a current pursuit of advanced theological studies, Kartika brings a unique perspective to her role. In her spare time, she finds joy in reading, cooking, and spending quality time with family. [Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies) with a Major in Finance; Studying for Advanced Diploma in Bible, Mission and Ministry]