How to be a small business bookkeeping hero!

How to be a small business bookkeeping hero!

Well, ok, you can’t save the world – but you can sure make a difference to your team! Cover off these three areas well and you may be surprised at the compliments that come your way.

  1. Compliance – this is one of those things that may not get noticed that much unless there’s a problem. But if you’ve been around for a while you probably know someone who’s suffered from ATO issues – and you can appreciate how good it is not to have them. Imagine the time and headspace that is saved if all your bookwork is done accurately an on time. It is truly a good investment.
  2. Efficiency – this covers a whole range of things like time and workflows, but it’s probably good to think about this from a different perspective. Ask yourself how others experience your bookkeeping service. Do you learn what you need to do your job well? Do you get back to people when you say you will? Do you take care with your accuracy? Do you look for better ways to do things? Do you patiently help people where they are at? Do people feel relaxed when they pass work on to you because they know it will get done?
  3. Reporting – good reliable bookkeeping is great for compliance and general efficiency. But in some ways this is just a prelude to one of the exceptional benefits – useful reporting. How great is it when you can produce a report for your business that really helps the business to grow? A good understanding of sales, a realistic picture of costs, timely identification of problem and success areas – all these flow from good, reliable figures kept up to date on a regular basis. And that’s what good bookkeeping can deliver.

So, don’t buy a cape just yet – your jeans will do. Get these basics in place and your well on the way to providing something that your team will really benefit from!


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